Saturday, October 2, 2010


minggu lepas memang terbaik alam lah...
ONE whole week full of experience...
minggu assignment ni minggu pling feymes kt tmpt ak study...
sbb sume cuak ngan minggu nie...
walaupon cm cliché ak ttp gak nk ckp time nie ramai manusia jdi panda...
(lebam mate coz x ckup tito)
same gak la ngan ak...
bayang la kne anta 2 assignment in one day...
giler x?
so ak mule la bt assignment 2 kol 10 mlm ari sabtu...
tension 2 x la...
coz bhan2 sume ad da tinggal taip jew...*-*
assignment first 1200 words...
cte pasl theme "To Kill A Mockingbird"...
(member2 ak SHELlalu kte ak cm harper lee bkn nk riak tp ak rse cm kne sindir dow)
x pew2 apis n areh jge la mike2...
assignment 2nd cm sng cket...
bt 5 GO 4 5 article from 5 dif sources... 
(bodow nyew ayt bnyak no)
conclusion nye 2 assignment telah membunuhku...
enough 4 my assignment...
coz ak ad bende len yg ak nk cte...

sapew pnh bukak lappy?
haa... skg kt ipda ktorg da ad servise cm 2...
hasil ushe same  apis, adk Z n muiz...
mereke telah bejaya membuka compaq cq 40...
ak sbagai org yg memegang manual terus naik sheikh...
dengan nafsu penuh membara terus membuka tenet dengan bantuan apis dlm ushe untuk mencari manual acer 4535 lak...
ak teruskan ushe ak ngan penuh besemangat...
namun setelah ak penat berushe 24 jam tenet+acer telah mengecewakan ak...
manual acer x dpt d jumpai...
ak dan apis mula berbincang tentang patient kami...
setelah ahli lembaga pengarah hopital L1/AT/03...
kami mencapai kata putus...
they all agree to cont the surgery...
even though i'm blood related to the patient (acer 4535)...
they still let me do the surgery...
(damn this hospital must b the uncert one)
the surgery was smooth the first 5 minutes...
but it all came to halt when we are going to remove the speaker cover.. 
it was quite unique of acer to design it to be open from the back...
it took us 30 minutes to open the cover.. thanks acer...
okay... the surgery cont after we have open the cover, keyboard and front cover...
 -sorry guys my uploader got jammed-
after this i'll cont with this post... hopefully u guys can see the pic...


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